CC – credit card information

FULLZ – full credit card information

Cardholder – the rightful owner of the card

Shop – online store

Ship – the process of buying goods in the online store using stolen credit card information

Drop – the person on whom you are delivering (shipping)

Seller – seller of the material necessary for carders (CC FULLZ)

Payment – enter information about the card when paying for the goods

Stuff – product (CC Fullz dump)


CC – all this implies a credit card, but if we are talking about online carding, it is more information about the credit card and its owner.

example CC:

4345562261820000*978*03/2019* Henry Gale*[email protected]*530-48-9727*VISA*CLASSIC*WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A.*DEBIT*USA*91506*Burbank*217 S. Lomita St.

This is what an ordinary CC looks like, as it was said earlier, this is information about a credit card and about the owner, now let’s write out what and where it means:

4345562261820000 – credit card number (16 digits)
978 – security code (CVV2)
03/2019 – card expiration date (expiration date)
Henry Gale – First Name and Last Name of Card Holder
USA – the country of residence of the cardholder
Burbank – the cardholder’s city of residence
91506 – zip cod, postal cod of the cardholder
293 S. Lomita St. – street and house of the cardholder
530-48-9727 – the phone number of the card holder (optional) is not found on all CC
[email protected] – e-mail card holder (optional) is not found on all CC

This example of CC is very convenient and everything is clear on it, this format is used in our CVV shop. But it happens that the seller can give CC in a bad format without divisions, and with more garbage, so I advise (novices) to check with sellers before selling what format CC they sell, maybe even ask CC for an example.

Before the payment it is still important to know what system you have a credit card (MASTERCARD, VISA, American expres – the most common credit cards), it can be determined by the card number, as follows. Remember:
if the card number starts with 4 – this is VISA, if the card number starts with 5 – this is MC (MASTERCARD), if the card number starts with 3 – this is Amex (American expres)

That’s actually, owning this inforation, you can make a payment to many services (Skype, Steam, online stores, etc.)

Add. information:

1. MASTERCARD and VISA have a card number of 16 digits, American expres of 15.

2. The security code for MASTERCARD and VISA consists of three digits, for American expres of 4.

3. Not all CC state can be written in full, very often it is indicated by two letters, examples: IA, AR, DE, etc.

4. Very often, newcomers are confused in CC city with the state or generally can not figure out where the city is, in this case, use Google.

5. The balance on a regular CC is never known. (there are special checkers, but their units, and the majority usually kill a card in 90%)


Full CC or as popularly called FULLZ – this is CC with additional information about the cardholder, namely SSN, DOB, MMN

SSN – Social Security number (cardholder insurance number)

DOB – date of birth of the cardholder

MMN – mother’s maiden name (the maiden name of the cardholder’s mother) (not always, optional)

Here is an example of fullz

4342562564835474 * 358 * 10/2022 * Jose Echevarria*07/23/1952*5184325507*[email protected]| Elias0502*549-86-2668*VISA*CLASSIC*WELLS Faro Bank, NA * DEBIT * USA * 94579 * San leandro * 1275 Vining Dr

DOB 07/23/1952

SSN 5184325507

The following may also be present on a full card: e-mail of the cardholder, phone number of the cardholder, and the bank that issued the credit card (sometimes required when paying). But it can all be on the usual CC. The main advantage is the info about SSN and DOB. What is this info for? And what are the FULLZ  themselves for?

Usually take FULLZ in order to make enrol, i.e. create a bank account. To create an account and need this additional info (SSN and DOB). This is done as a rule in order to find out the balance of the card and get access to change the billing address. And now what is all this for:

I think everything is clear about the balance, but about billing – I think not everyone, and even more it is not clear why it should be changed at all. So, the billing address is the address of the card holder (i.e., home address, city, state / region, zip code). The fact is that when registering at an online store, there are two such concepts as Billing adress (the cardholder’s address) and shipping adress. If they are different, the order is checked more carefully in contrast to the case when they match (the goods will be sent within 2 hours)

Thus, for example: we have a USA shop and the USA CC, as well as a drop in the USA, we change billing address of the cardholder to the drop address after which we order the goods at the billing address and everything is ok.

But in fact, of course, not everything is so simple. Billing address change is not so easy, while you at least have to take a call and have the info MMN – and this is at least.


If you think that the life of the carders is easy, and the occupation of carding is a freebie, then you are mistaken. Every day, bespectacled people in banks work hard to make our lives difficult. And then one day they invented VBV – Verified by Visa. The essence of the system is that when you pay for goods or services on the Internet, you must enter an additional verification code that the cardholder receives from the bank that issued the card. However, this does not solve the problem of security payments. The problem is that the client can not prohibit transactions not protected by Verified by Visa. And even paying only in those online stores that use Verified by Visa, a client can easily steal data (card number, owner’s name, expiration date, cvv2 code) sufficient to make legitimate payments on behalf of the client.

In short: VBV is an additional protection of a visa card (when paying for it requires a password) there are cards with and without VBV. As you understand VBV – this is an additional protection of a visa card. The master card has a similar protection called SECURITYCODE. American Express cards have nothing like this!


I will try to be brief and persuasive. To begin with, I’ll sign the order of events after a product is sold from a store. And so we ordered the goods from the store and it is sent to us, then there are two options:

1. The cardholder does not notice the loss of money (the most elegant option in this case is that the purchase is completely legal and there is nothing to write here)) (by the way, this often happens if the amount of the card is small or the cardholder temporarily does not have access to the card)

2. The cardholder notices the loss of money after some time (the goods have already been sent to us), then something like this happens: the cardholder calls the bank, says that the money has disappeared, the bank tracks the last payments and says that this amount was charged for the purchase of goods online store, cardholder surprised, all on nerves, etc., says that he didn’t order anything and cry (my sick imagination), after the proceedings (possibly long) – the online store does chargeback (return money to the cardholder). Thus, it turns out that losses are incurred by the shop. What happens next ?? There are two options:

1. The shop does not pay attention and then sells its junk (99% probability, because if the parcel goes to another country, it is called the ends in the water)

2. The store owner is a principled person, of course he goes to the police station (to the usual police station, to the serious cybercrime department with a statement about the theft of an electric kettle he will not be allowed), and so he comes to the station, writes the statement, the cops of course they listened, but after they learned that the teapot had gone to another country, they say with regret to the “poor” store owner that it is more expensive to communicate with these psychos. And this is all over)

Well, now after such a story briefly about the ways of protection:

Dedicated Server – the best option

Socks – not needed if you use Dedicated Server!


The whole essence of virtual carding is to ensure that you send the order as long as the cardholder or shop will notice the loss.

That is, in order for you to send an order, you need to impersonate a cardholder, in order to impersonate a cardholder for example an American card, you need to have an American ip and an American computer.

This is all provided by Dedicated Server (remote desktop, someone else’s computer).

how to connect to the dedik: Start> execute> mstsc> ip / Next you will connect to the Dedicated Server and the account window will come out (with the login and password entered)

Here is an example of Dedicated Server:; p0o9i8

And so: is the ip address of the remote desktop

Administrator – login account to connect to the remote desktop account

p0o9i8 – the password of the account for connecting to the remote desktop account

I repeat once again how to connect: click Start, find the button in the menu to execute or (white field below) – enter the command: mstsc – then start the “Remote Desktop Connection” program ..

enter the ip address of the server in the free white field of the window and click on connect. (the window on connection security can come out: press YES!) Then you connect to the computer, a window with data entry is displayed. There you enter the username and password and click connect. Next should be the desktop of another computer.


Drop – the person to whose address you are shipping. Personally, I advise you to use the services of a drop in the event that the shop does not send to your country, in which case the cardders are looking for drops, for example, in the USA and doing a shearing on them – this increases the probability that the goods will be successfully sent. And if you have a store that sends to your country, then you can send calmly to yourself (as all normal people do).

To better understand why we need drops, consider two situations:

1. You have USA CC + USA shop, you order goods to Romania (the probability that the goods will be sent is small) – (although there are a lot of such shops now)

2. You have USA CC + USA shop, you order goods to the address of the drop that lives in USA (the probability that the goods will be sent high)

Now I think it became clear to you that they are looking for drops not so much for safety, but for a good shiping.) You should also know that there are two types of drops:

a person does not realize that he is working for a carder, such drops are often caught

the person knows that he takes carding goods, observes security measures, etc.

How to search for drops? In general, there are special people, they find drops. You can also search for drops yourself, if you speak English, then go to the forums where Americans are looking for additional jobs.


The chapter about shops I think the most important. Why? I’ll tell you now. The fact is that many newbies think that all carding is directly filling in data with a CC. But this business is easy and not difficult (stupid filling in the fields). It would be safe to assume that this is all carding. In fact, in modern virtual carding there is a lot of tedious and boring work. Let’s see. And so we have СС, Dedicated Server, but where to buy? Where can I get a shop that will easily send? Trying in the first shop is nonsense. First, let’s introduce a few more concepts that you need to know before going to the store.

1. Billing address – Billing address (Payments information) – the address of the cardholder

2. Shipping address – Shiping adress (Delivery information) – delivery address, i.e. your address or drop

Now, in fact, we will learn to determine POTENTIALLY sending shops (i.e. shops in which it makes sense, try to place an order). To do this, go to Google and make various requests and browse online stores. And now a few nuances that need to be seen in order to understand whether this shop fits us:

1. The shop must accept a credit card for payment (if you do not see the credit card symbols in the store, you can immediately discard such a shop)

2. A shop must send to a separate from Billing adress (i.e., there are shops that are sent only to the cardholder)

3. The shop should also send to the country we need

4. Is there a way to deliver to your country (it is not rare that there is yours in the list of countries, but there is no way to deliver there).

Only when all of these items satisfy your situation, only then do you place an order. (through Dedicated Server). But the best way to determine these nuances is to simulate an order, i.e. you go to the online store site: choose a product – register – well, and then go to pay in passing, looking and determining all that is written above. Thus, you select a certain number of shops and then you make real orders in them.

And now ATTENTION! I repeat! And so: it is IMPOSSIBLE to find out whether a shop is sent or not without making an order !! But this does not mean that you need to order in the first available shops .. For this we first look through the shops on our computer (ie, we hang out there as an ordinary visitor – register – reach the payment and look at all the nuances) – which We are interested in the nuances, look above! Of course, it is not necessary to constantly register, because “bad shops” can be immediately identified (from pictures, etc.) – but I insist that you train, because without these skills you will not become a carder


And so we have already figured out that virtual carding is nothing more than ordinary payment (only from someone else’s account) .. Now let’s look at small nuances that can positively affect the payment.

If you think that having bought Dedicated Server and valid CC, you will get 100% of everything – this is a mistake.

And so we will sort on points:

1. Dedicated Server and CC should be chosen necessarily one country and preferably one region (region, state)

2. It is better to drive in before lunchtime (local Dedicated Server time)

3. The most favorable days for ordering are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

4. ON the same address can not be ordered several times from the store! (Just kill the shop)

5. It is better to use 1 CC for one order (if it did not work in one shop, you can try it in another, but after a successful payment it’s better not to touch the card anymore !!

6. If you order goods to one country, and pay with a card from another country, then you probably will get nothing for large sums .. (For example, you have USA CC, and you order goods to Russia, in that case I advise you not to make the amount of the order more than 250 $)

7. And in general, remember: the smaller the amount – the greater the chance that they will be sent.

8. Payment for delivery is also included in the amount of the order, so you can save on it .. (do not choose the fastest method, choose the cheapest)


And so for the example of the payment, we take:

1. Dedicated Server (IP) xerox (login); xerox (password)

2. CC 4782027768476404 0612 721 Miguel Gonzalez 1381 Belle Haven Dr. Grayslake IL United States 60030 6093971415 JPMORGAN CHASE BANK N.A. DEBIT DEBIT CLASSIC UNITED STATES

3. Online store

  • First of all, connect to the Dedicated Server..
  • Next, select the item
  • Next, click add to cart (this means put in the basket)
  • Next, click on the chekout button
  • Next, click sign up (registration), then the registration window should open
    Fill in the data from ss .. email you should have registered in advance. on email you will receive information (so do not lose it)
  • after everything is filled click sumbit:
  • Pay attention to the shiping adress inscription (this is the delivery address, i.e. your address) as you can see the default store filled it with the same address as the ss address. Therefore, we press change adress and edit ..
    also pay attention to the inscription shiping method
  • click continium chekout:
  • Then a page with payment information opened – billing address, order amount, and here below we choose a payment method .. (credit cart), here you also need to specify a brand of card with us visa ..
  • Also, don’t forget to tick the box: This inscription is always there (look for it on the page)
  • how everything is done click on (chekout), after which the last page should open – which contains all the information on the purchase .. I advise you to check the addresses again (shipping and billing) Remember: The shipping address is the delivery address and the billing address is This is the billing address (address with ss)
  • Click confim:
  • As you can see, we have been transferred to another site (this is called merch) —a special computer that almost any online store has — it will process your order .. and determine whether it is accepted or not .. here we enter the ss data (number, date and cvv )
  • Click Make Payment:
  • Having done everything right – there is no guarantee that everything will turn out

The reasons for not luck most likely are as follows:

1. Not valid CC

2. State of Dedicated Server and CC state are different.

3. Shop became an object for carders and strengthened security measures.


I have to say that this does not mean anything. Not the fact that 100% of the goods have already been sent .. This only means that your order has been accepted for consideration, and people will already be considering it.

All further information about our order will go to us by email (which we indicated during registration).

The types of letters are as follows:

The first letter is most likely a notice and appreciation of the registration on their website.

The second letter is a notification that your payment has been accepted and will be considered soon (this is called an order) .. If the payment has not been received, then you will most likely also send a letter with opposite content.

But the options for the third letter may be different:

1. A good option! A letter will be sent to you that your product has been sent or will be sent soon. Track is the number of the parcel, by which you can track its position in the flesh before arriving in your city. By the way, a parcel can be sent to you without this track .. (depends on what delivery method you chose) as a rule, the cheapest ways are to send non-track numbers.

2. Semi Sad option! You will be sent a letter asking you to prove the fact that you are a legal cardholder .. (You can request a photo of a credit card or its scan or scan of any other document, I can also ask to call them and confirm again by phone the fact that you are a cardholder). On the card forums there are a lot of services that draw scans and take calls.

3. Unsuccessful option! There is nothing to write here ..


There are three main delivery services: DHL (almost worldwide), EMS (almost worldwide), USPS (USA) .. – track the parcel by order number worldwide from virtually anywhere in the world

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